Friday 1 November 2013

Target Audience Research - Group Activity

To achieve a profile or our target audience, we have performed multiple forms of research into our audience and what they think and feel about tattoos.

Jamie - I created a short questionnaire that we gave to two sets of year 11 children to fill out.

This is the questionnaire;


Are you interested in getting a tattoo as soon as you are able to? Yes/No

What tattoo would you get?


And we got the year 11's to fill these out to give us some ideas behind the mentality of those who are approaching being able to get a tattoo and how they feel towards them.  The opinions change quite drastically from being in favour of them and wanting to get them for a symbolic meaning whilst others want one because they "Thinks it looks good".

The majority of the responses that weren't along the lines of "it looks good" were from female participants. So far, 6 out of the 7 meaningful responses are female and have meanings to as to why they would want a tattoo, what they would get as a tattoo and what that tattoo would mean to them. To me, this would mean that we would try to ask more females than males, as they appear to have a more emotional connection to the idea of a tattoo compared to the males, who so far think that the only reason for them is "they look good".

Some examples of the responses from the females to the question "What tattoo would you get?" followed by their response to "Why?"

"A ladder up my right side with red and white roses and the cards off of Alice in Wonderland"
"Alice in Wonderland is very close to my heart and that is the favourite scene"

"Peace sign on collar bone"
sadly, this person only put "too long to explain" as their answer which is disappointing

"One saying Grandma"
"Because I loved my grandma and I want her to be with me all my life"

"Minnie and Mickey on my arm, kissing"
"Because I love Minnie and Mickey and my boyfriend always calls me Minnie because I'm small and I love them so much"

"A love heart on my wrist, flowers or butterflies on my feet"
"To support self-harmers and the butterflies look nice"

"Mum and Dad on my chest - near heart"
"I miss them"

The only emotional response from a male was that he wanted Donald Duck and the reason was because "Donald Duck was my childhood"

A second thought provoking response from a male was that he didn't want a tattoo because " I don't like the idea of ink being embedded into my skin forever"

The other responses to the questionnaire were along the lines of simple imagery and the reason they wanted these tattoo's was because "they look cool" or "I think I'd look great". Most of these less emotional responses were from males.

1 comment:

  1. What have you learnt from this? How will this affect your ideas and planning? What message do you now think you need to make clear in your doc?
