Structure of our documentary will begin with an opening title sequence, likely containing a couple of clips of our documentary, possibly muted, it really depends on whether or not we finally decide on what our opening sequence will look like. We could either go with a muted sequence of shots leading up a title screen of our documentary. We could also have a mix of shots with sound, little snippets of interviews that use quotes and having muted shots of tattoos which will lead up to a title sequence.
After our documentary title shot, we're going to have it lead into a sequence involving our presenter talking about the origins of tattoos, including what they meant to each early culture. We could splice in some images of these traditional tattoos as a visual representation.
From this sequence, we're going to cut to our first interview with one of our subjects. These interviews will likely follow the same structure, our presenter introducing the subject, we'd then ask the subject about their tattoos, what they mean to them, why they got them etc. We'd most likely follow this up with a sequence of shots of the subjects tattoo, possibly with music.
The tattoo interview sequences would most likely follow this series of events.
1) The interviewer would meet and greet the interview subject.
2) We'd then have the first question being asked in a dual shot, with both the interviewer and interviewee in shot. After the question had been asked and the interviewee has said a few words we'd then cut into an over-the-shoulder shot facing the interviewee.
3)During the interview, we'd switch perspectives in over-the-shoulder shots, going from looking over the interviewers shoulder at the interviewee and over-the-shoulder of the interviewee, looking at the interviewer.
4) This would continue until we reach the part of the interview where we'd politely ask if we could look at the tattoos in question. If we're allowed to view them, then we'd take many shots, stills and photos of the tattoos. The shots would include pans, zooms and other techniques.
Next, we're going to have our presenter talk about the attitudes and mentalities that our TA research has revealed about people who are approaching the age of being able to get a tattoo. This will most likely be a shot tracking our presenter as he walks along a lane, or street, looking directly at the camera and talking.
From here, we'd probably have another interview, with the same layout as our last interview. From here, we're going to have a montage of interviews with the public, asking peoples opinions on tattoos, if they themselves have any and what they mean to them, if they have them.
Next, we'd most likely have our final interview after this.
Finally, we're going to have our presenter give a final speech about tattoos. From where they came from, to how they've developed, what they can mean to people and finally, peoples attitudes towards them.