Tuesday 11 February 2014

My DPS text for documentary advert by Kate Parkinson. Candidate number 9204.

DPS text – tattoo documentary

Channel 4 is introducing hot new presenter Luke Ford in a brand new one off documentary following society's views on a tattooed nation. We take an in depth look at tattooed youngsters and there views on why they believe expressing yourself through body art should be excepted in today's society. We also delve in to the topic of what younger persons think the elder generation views on a tattooed youth is. Our Tattooed Youth explores the ins and outs of a way of life that splits the opinions of a population.

Nowadays you can't go far without seeing a tattooed body roaming the streets. As tattoo's are becoming more popular and more common you see a lot more workers with the body art, rules are more laid back with them now. So, don't want to just take our word for how much they've changed opinions and beliefs? Musketeer media has produced a programme that talks to the younger generation about why tattoos are important to them and why they feel the urge to get inked for the rest of their lives. A lot of the population accept and appreciate tattoos for what they are but we will also look at the other side and why people feel tattoos shouldn't be accepted and why they stereotype people with tattoos.

We chat to a variety of people that have experienced getting a tattoo and other people's reactions to them. Popular interviewee Lauren Shyplka told presenter Luke ' My parents were fine with me getting a tattoo at 15'. Whilst aspiring tattooist Matthew Brundell told audiences that 'he was 15 when he got his first tattoo in Spain' and that his parents 'weren't happy but what can they do'.

The brand new documentary is an hour long special for Channel 4 that will start at 9pm on Wednesday night. This will be a perfect programme for teenagers/ early twenties males and females interested in tattoo's or thinking about getting a tattoo. Tattoo's are a topic that have had a nation talking for a while so we look at the minor details and what the story is below the surface.

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