Monday 24 February 2014

Evaluation Q4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation?

We used a multitude of different programs and media technologies to craft my side of the documentary and ancillary process.

During construction we used the programs of Final Cut Pro, Adobe Photoshop 8 and 11 as well as using video cameras to film the shots and sequences we needed for this.

Final Cut Pro was where we took our sequences from the camera and could watch them back. This process took a long while, as we had many shots that were bad, some were good and it took us a while to pick those shots that worked the best. Sadly, when filming some of the shots which you’ll see in the extract,  have terrible background noise that we simply can’t get rid of, such as the park scene with wind noise and the public.

We tried to film on another day, but sadly we just couldn’t get rid of the wind noise in any shot, despite going on different occasions to film.

Final cut pro wasn’t easy to get used to, but we feel confident in using it now. To just cut and paste clips together is easy, but to access the hidden potential of things like sound altering is when you know you’re comfortable using the program, which we can do.

 We can also use varying editing techniques such as a zooming technique called “Ken Burns”, in which you have a set area of a shot you can see at the start of the shot sequence and as the sequence carries on, the shot will move/zoom to the end point which you can set. This technique was named after Ken Burns due to the fact that this was a technique he used alot and it was given his namesake.


Adobe photoshop numbers 8 and 11 were used to create our final DPS spread for our media package. We started off using the number 8 first, but then during construction we upgraded into number 11 and We finished the product on that number. Photoshop is a great tool for creating and editing images. We can use it to alter lighting levels in a photo/image just as an example.

Photoshop is a great tool for this job in creating a DPS given how free you can be with your designs. In our DPS for example, we’ve got a bottom border of separate tattoo images and we’ve got another as our big background image. A feature which we found extremely useful in aligning our columns, was the in-built grid system in photoshop 11. When turned on, it creates a dotted line grid across your project that you can use, that we used, in order to perfectly align our columns, ensuring the look of professionalism.

The different media technologies we used in the Evaluation
To do the evaluation we used a vary of different media technologies. The first one I used to answer question 2 was a Prezi. Prezi is a website to create a presentation on a topic. I used Prezi to produce a creative way of answering the question.

In our evaluation we also used Final Cut Pro X to get screen shots, images or clips from our documentary to include in the answers.

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